Monday, September 22, 2008

Field Hockey: Season Preview


The field hockey team has been making great progress this year. With the additions of some great new players to the team, as well as the new coaches Jen Ryan and Emily Tansey, the team is ready and excited to have a successful season.

The team kicked off the season with a 3-0 win in a scrimmage against Brimmer and May. Then, in an intense, evenly matched home game versus Portsmouth Abbey (one of the best teams in the league) the varsity team narrowly lost 0 to 1. On varsity, the player of the game was Riki Adams,í10. The JV team fared better, winning 2-0. This was followed with a harsh defeat by Pingree, in a fast-paced game on their incredibly short grass. Pingree beat the varsity team 5-0 and the JV team 3-0. On varsity, the player of the game was senior Jehane Samaha.

Most recently, the team played against LCA, always one of the most closely contested games of the season. The varsity game ended in a 1-1 tie. LCA scored on a break away at the end of the first half, and after dominating the majority of the game, Beaver scored with five minutes to go in the second half. Beaver dominated for the ten minutes of 7v7 overtime, but neither team scored. The JV team beat LCA decisively, with a 4-0 victory.

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