Wednesday, October 31, 2007

When Life Sucks, Turn to Golf


The Beaver golf team has been a continuous strength of the Beaver athletic system. In the past three years, golf has only lost one match, which was a surprise to everyone. Though golf is among one of the least watched sports teams at Beaver, it is constantly recognized as being one of the best teams, bringing in one of two championship flags to gym last year. Golf is one of the only winning teams at Beaver, and students have come to recognize this and be proud of their golfers. A winning golf team is one of the only things Beaver has to brag about in its athletic program.

Beaver golf is a feared force in the EIL, with Max Campion as the co-captain and number one spot holder, and Jamie Beckingham as the other captain. Even with the loss of graduated athletes, golf still manages to maintain a strong team. The team continues to be promising with an abundance of freshman on the JV team. Even though only six spots can be filled on Varsity, there is a total of fifteen members on the team, displaying promise for future winning seasons. So the next time you come into school on a Thursday morning and hear that the soccer and field hockey teams have lost, ask a golfer how they did, and the answer will most likely be, “We won.”

The Beaver golf team had an intense golf match last Friday against Pingree. The team won 4 out of a possible 6 matches, and improved its record to 4-1. It was tied 2 to 2 with the final group to come in. The number five player was having a tough match, and it was up to number six, Evan Winter, whose match was even going to the final hole. Winter made a solid par and won the hole, giving Beaver a win over Pingree.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha. Great work Laura. I love your commentary. Its great to read an article like yours as opposed to mere statistics.